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Hershey RV Show 2019 – America’s Largest RV Show – 2020 Model Tours

America's Largest RV Show Hershey

If you're in the Northeast in September then going to America's Largest RV Show in Hershey, PA has to be on the list of things to do. I have been going to this show for years and it never disappoints.

Hershey RV Show

The shows draws tens of thousands of visitors each year and tickets can be pre purchased to speed up your entry inside. What you will experience is an RV show like no other.

America's Largest RV Show

There are over 1400 hundred of the latest and greatest RVs from 40 different manufacturers spread out over a space the size of 33 football fields. You can talk with the actual manufacturer reps and really get some great information. Did I mention the vendors? Yes, they are everywhere. If there is an RV product your interested in there is a vendor of that product to help you.

If you get tired and need a break you can also attend one of the dozens and dozens of seminars they have. They cover lots of different topics and you will be sure to find one that interests you. The seminars are hosted by people with a wealth of knowledge and experience, even a few from the RV Doctor himself, Gary Bunzer.

Wear comfortable walking shoes and if you want to see everything plan on more than one day. Don't worry though there are complimentary golf cart taxi's to help you out. The show offers dry camping for those who want to stay close but there are also some nice campgrounds and hotels in close proximity. Oh and did I say anything about 'Food Alley", yes bring your appetite and don't forget to try one of the amazing lemonades from the walking vendors throughout the show.

Check out the video below to see this years show and some of the RVs.

AP Products Thin Slim Shade Install

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