RV absorption refrigerators work by heating an ammonia solution which removes the heat from the refrigerator box. They work well but can have difficulty in extreme heat or just by opening the door too much. There are several mods that can be done to aid the refrigerator in keeping it cool. This mod helps distribute cool air inside the box for an even temperature throughout the fridge.
The above fan, a Dual Evaporator Cooling LED Fan, or the larger Three Fan Evaporator Cooling Unit (not shown) and the Brushless Blower Cooling Fan can be used to aid your RV refrigerator in even cooling.

The fans are 12v and easily connect to an RV refrigerator interior light. Connecting it to the light lets the fans only work when the fridge is on which is super convenient. If you have a newer sealed fridge light, or prefer, you can connect to the power at the rear of the fridge but will need to add an on/off switch.
In addition to fans its an excellent idea to have a thermometer in the fridge to make sure temps stay in a safe range. The draw back is you don't want to always open the door to check the temperature. That's where this AcuRite Refrigerator / Freezer Wireless Digital Thermometer comes in handy. This inexpensive mod lets you see the temps inside your fridge at a glance. We mounted our display unit directly above the fridge.
This fan and thermometer upgrade is one of the best I have done. Its easy to complete and the benefits cannot be understated. It's also very reasonable in price. Give it a try you will be happy you did.
(Affiliate) Links:
See Dual Evaporator Cooling LED Fan on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2vpa4rb
See Three Fan Evaporator Cooling Unit on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2gQwwGy
See Dutch Aire Refrigerator Fin Fan on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2OiJB9G
See Brushless Blower Cooling Fan on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2ppU4WA
See AcuRite Fridge Wireless Thermometer on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2h4kxVP
See Original Dual Evaporator Fan on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2OGKSpT